22 research outputs found

    Kształcenie studentów ze specyficznymi trudnościami w uczeniu się : bariery i szanse

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    Dwie diagnozy - jeden uczeń. Diagnoza nauczycielska i specjalistyczna

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    Publikacja jest próbą przybliżenia rozumienia metodologii diagnozy, specyfiki obu diagnoz nauczycielskiej i specjalistycznej oraz przedstawiania możliwości i ograniczeń we „wspólnym działaniu”, które mogą posłużyć jako refleksja nad budowaniem tego systemu

    Rozpoznać, wspierać, rozwijać. Poradnia psychologiczno-pedagogiczna i szkoła a uczeń zdolny.

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    Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu "Opracowanie i wdrożenie kompleksowego systemu pracy z uczniem zdolnym"Publikacja współfinansowana przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społeczneg

    Prognostic value of platelet indices after acute myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Background: Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a strong predictor of impaired angiographic reperfusion and 6-month mortality in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (MI) treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). No data is available for other platelet volume indices: platelet distribution width (PDW) and platelet large cell ratio (P-LCR). The aim was to assess the impact of 3 platelet volume indices on long-term prognosis in patients treated with primary PCI in acute MI.Methods: This prospective study enrolled 538 patients who underwent primary PCI in acute MI. Admission blood samples were measured for MPV, PDW, and P-LCR. The patients were followed-up a mean period of 26 ± 11 months with regard to cardiac death, non-fatal reinfarction, re-PCI or coronary artery bypass grafting.Results: Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed a significantly higher 26-month mortalityrate in patients with high MPV (≥ 11.7 fL) than in those with low MPV (< 11.7 fL) (14.6% vs. 5.5%, p = 0.0008). Similar findings were related to high P-LCR (≥ 38.1%) vs. low P-LCR (< 38.1%) — mortality 13.8% vs. 5.8%, p = 0.0025. Higher PDW values (≥ 16 fL) correlated with higher mortality rate as compared to PDW < 16 fL (17.4% vs. 6.3%, p = 0.0012). PDW was found to be an independent prognostic factor for cardiac mortality and composite endpoint.Conclusions: Mean platelet volume, platelet distribution width and platelet large cell ratio measured on admission are strong, independent prognostic factors in PCI-treated acute MI

    Maternal hyperoxygenation test in prediction of fetal lung hypoplasia – preliminary report

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    Summary Objectives: The aim of our study was to present the detailed execution and interpretation of the hyperoxygenation test in the fetus. Material and methods: This was a retrospective investigation of fetuses examined in The Department for Diagnosis and Prophylaxis of Congenital Malformations (Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital Institute and Medical University in Lodz) between January 2006 and December 2009, in whom in addition to the routine echocardiographic examination the hyperoxygenation test was performed. Indications for such an extended evaluation were suspected fetal malformations and pulmonary hypoplasia. Changes in the fetal pulmonary circulation before and after maternal exposure to hyperoxygenated air together with the newborn follow-up were analyzed. Results: Clinical outcome was available for 42 of 52 cases: 16 patients died (including 11 cases with negative hyperoxygenation test), whereas 24 patients were discharged home (including 17 cases with positive hyperoxygenation test). The probability of survival for fetuses with the positive test was significantly higher than for fetuses with the negative one (p=0.016, Fischer’s exact test). Conclusions: Based on changes evoked in the fetal pulmonary circulation, the hyperoxygenation test seems helpful in predicting impaired fetal lung development Functional assessment of the fetal pulmonary circulation may be useful in predicting fetal lung hypoplasia and respiratory failure in the neonate

    Prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of congenital epulis – two case reports and literature review

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    Abstract The following work presents prenatal ultrasonographic examination of two rare fetal cases of epulis, among 13 792 fetuses referred to our unit due to suspected fetal anomalies by obstetricians (estimated prevalence 1/7000 among fetuses with different anomalies). Sonographic differential diagnosis, value of fetal nasal amniotic fluid flow assessment by color Doppler and the probability of EXIT procedure have been described

    Model pracy z uczniem zdolnym w gimnazjum

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    Publikacja współfinansowana przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społeczneg

    Diaphragmatic hernia in Reference Hospital ICZMP – diagnostic problems and outcome

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze US/ECHO examinations in fetuses with diaphragmatic hernia (DH) diagnosed and treated in our institution from 1994-2006, and their follow-up. Material and methods: Retrospective analysis of the data base from Department for Diagnoses & Prevention of Fetal Malformations, Research Institute of the Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital: 14 481 fetal echo/ultrasound examinations in 10 077 fetuses have been analyzed to retrieve 115 fetuses with DH. Results: The mean gestational age at the targeted US/ECHO examination was 30 wks. There were 8 terminations of pregnancies (at mean 21 wks), 6 intrauterine demises, 60 neonatal deaths after delivery (in 1-3rd day of postnatal life), 8 deaths after surgery, 19 neonates were discharged home and in 14 cases the follow-up could not be monitored. The most common anomalies accompanying DH have been central nervous system anomalies (20%), polyhydramnion (16%) and cong heart defects (10%). In this subgroup, there was 100% mortality. Isolated DH has been diagnosed in every third case. In this subgroup, 27 neonates had undergone surgery and the survival rate was 70%, however since 2004 there was not a single death on record. Conclusions: Late gestational age of US/ECHO examinations in our tertiary center suggests that DH has been relatively difficult to detect during ultrasound screening. DH and the other structural malformations have been a lethal disease in our series in 100%. Isolated DH was much less frequent and was present in every third case (29%), and in this group the survival rate was 70%, regardless of the way of the delivery (CS or Vaginal)

    Pielęgniarstwo na rzecz milenijnych celów rozwoju

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPielęgniarki odgrywają kluczową rolę w realizacji milenijnych celów rozwoju włączając się w wiele zróżnicowanych działań na poziomie zarówno lokalnym, krajowym, jak i międzynarodowym. Są to działania m.in. o charakterze wychowawczo- edukacyjnym, opiekuńczo-terapeutycznym, badawczym, jak i politycznym. Przykładem takich działań jest materiał zawarty w niniejszej monografii, w której znalazły się wyniki dociekań naukowych prezentujące aktywność środowiska pielęgniarskiego na rzecz społeczności pacjentów w zdrowiu i w chorobie oraz na rzecz grupy zawodowej pielęgniarek, zmagającej się z wieloma problemami, których rozwiązanie ma istotny związek z realizacją funkcji zawodowych przedstawicieli tej profesji. Tematyka prac składających się na monografię Pielęgniarstwo na rzecz milenijnych celów rozwoju jest bogata i pokazuje różnorodność zainteresowań badawczych pielęgniarek, co nierozerwalnie wiąże się z wielowymiarowością roli społeczno- zawodowej pielęgniarki – także w kontekście realizacji przyjętych przez ONZ celów